"Trust in Nigeria's Future"

"Trust in Nigeria's Future"

Saturday 17 May 2014

Meet the Man Christ Jesus - God in His Second Coming: Jose Luis De Jesus (666)

In exactly 293 days from today - September 11, 2011 - He will transform into immortality and those who are marked with the number of His name, 666, will not be harmed from world disasters.

HOUSTON, TEXAS -- As the Earth's birth pains increase in preparation for the soon Transformation of The Man Christ Jesus (Jose Luis De Jesus) and His powerful people, the extreme radiation leakages in Japan are of particular great significance to His kingdom. In this week's live Tracing, The Man Christ Jesus disclosed for the first time detailed evidence of how the Chosen people of 666 will transform into immortal bodies made of substance much like radioactive material in 448 days or less.

With over 103 countries simultaneously tuning into His Weekly Address, the world gained insight on how death will be absorbed by immortality as His Chosen dress in incorruptibility (1 Cor. 15:53) and will fly like clouds (Isaiah 60:8). 
Watch Video below; 


In fact, the new bodies of the Lord's Firstfruits will be like a flame of fire (Heb 1:7) made of atomic power.

"Radiation won't harm the Elect of the Kingdom 666, but rather our bodies will absorb that radiation since our new clothing will be made of materials like fire, atoms... and radioactive material" revealed Jose Luis, The Lord.

"While radiation produces death for those that are not sealed 666, none of that will harm us," He continued. "People today are fearful [of rising radiation levels], but we are not. After all, it is what our new transformed bodies will be made of -- radioactivity and power. We will be powerful beings."

Soon the world will see the All-mighty body of Jose Luis De Jesus transformed. For behold, the LORD, Jose Luis, will come in fire, to render his anger in fury (Isaiah 66:15). And all those who have dared to confront Him or doubt, astonished by His Omnipotence and Splendour, will undoubtedly say:

"Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?" (Rev 13:4)

The Great Day is near. 447 days or less.

Ministerio Creciendo en Gracia [Growing in Grace Ministry] is God's Government on Earth established by God Himself in His Second Coming, Jose Luis De Jesus (The Man Christ Jesus). Established in 1986, His government now expands into 30 nations with 455 centers, 250 TV programs, 180 radio programs and a satellite channel transmitted by more than 550 cable companies in 16 countries. It is written that 'All Eyes Shall See' and thus, His signal can be seen globally 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through His channel Telegracia. Please visit us at www.cegenglish.com. 

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